Ponzi scheme
J'ai eu l'occasion de relire ce texte aux rencontres photographiques de Arles.
Il accompagnait l'exposition BIRUTOPIA de la photographe et plasticienne Libannaise Randa Mirza
this is not the end of the world
this is merely a crisis
a one-off disaster
capital control
budget cut
financial engineering
fresh money
systems last longer than we imagine
systems crumble faster than we think
capitalism seamlessly occupies the horizon
only a crisis produces real change
the truth only appears to the collapsed
no place for us in a post-crash world
no light left to cast shadows
black market, structural adjustments
the crash was inevitable
how could we all believe the same lie?
nothing is so treacherous as the obvious
capitalism is an evolutionary process
the system needs fresh blood to thrive
new meat was getting scarce
creative destruction
salaries are worth peanuts
peanuts cost a lot of money
trauma is our daily bread
there was no punctual moment of collapse
the world does not end with a bang
profitable fluctuation
financial meltdown
exchange rate
numbers indicate the level of our decomposition
capitalism is what is left when everything else falls apart
it's always time to leave
there is no alternative
action is pointless
Ponzi scheme